The Overseer~Watcher Of The Skies

The Overseer~Watcher Of The Skies

Monday, May 31, 2010

Things To Ponder From The Christian Scriptures

A wonderful friend and Priestess of the Goddess had this written on a site of hers, and was so caught up by what all it said, that I wanted to share it with everyone. Please keep in mind, I used to be a Christian for approximately 38 yrs. But due to so many flaws and unanswered questions throughout the years, my walk on this path diminished. I couldn't understand why a so-called loving God would place people in a fiery pit as well as not be able to fix so-called errors a perfect God would make, in the creation of the human race. He created us, with imperfections (or sins). And we, according to His plan of action, are to burn in Hell for it.
So why then, if he created ALL things, did he create things that tempt us, and cause us to continually fall on our faces? From a Christian's standpoint, they will talk of the Garden of Eden and the serpent that tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit, and various other sin-type stories from their Bible. But I don't believe they can TRULY come up with the ultimate right answer to any of these questions. So, below is the passage of biblical scripture coming from 1 Corinthians Ch. 13 that I wanted to share with you, along with following statements and questions to ponder.

If the Christian God is all Love then ……….

Paul the Apostle, in the Christian Bible glorified love as the most important virtue of all. Describing love in the famous poem in 1 Corinthians he wrote, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres." - 1 Cor. 13:4-7 (NIV)

Soooooooooo, if God is love why do Christians believe their God is keeping a record of their "sins"? Isn't a "record" a remembered document of items? I guess He is keeping track.

If God is love, why would He kill his only son? Why didn't He just send down an angel (like he does so many times in the Bible)? And if he did it to save us from our sins……doesn't that mean He is keeping track of them???? And why then are we still sinning? Did Jesus die in vain?

If God is love, why did he create satan? Isn't satan evil? Why would an all powerful, all loving god create someone to steer us off course (which is sin again, isn't it?)

Why would an all loving god send us to hell for sins that we did because He created a satan that tempts us to sin? Sounds like a game, doesn't it? Does your God play games with your soul? (Oh, the devil made me do it)

Why would an all loving god even create a hell? Isn't that a place where we suffer agony forever? Is sending us to hell because we "sinned" to suffer eternity a love act? May I repeat…is God all Love or not????

And…if He sends us to hell because we didn't bow down to Him and grovel for forgiveness….what point does it serve? Oh, I know, to teach us a lesson! But….when you teach someone a lesson, don't you do that so that they won't make the same mistake again? How can we make that mistake again, or even NOT make that mistake again when we are in a burning pit forever????

Patient: It doesn't say sometimes patient. Which means why would He be upset because we didn't "obey"????? Since He created us, wouldn't He already know who we are and what we do?

Kind: Is creating a bottomless pit of fire and torture a kind act?

No envy: Bible says He says He is a jealous god.

Not proud: The why did He say "I am the Lord Thy God, you must not have any God but ME!" Sounds like he's scared you might not like him, huh? Isn't that PRIDE?

Not rude: Kind of rude to send us to hell ain't it?

Not boastful: Wait, I think I covered that in "I am the Lord Thy God."

Does not keep records: Pardon the redundancy but…Hey, then why does he send us to hell for mistakes? He's obviously keeping track isn't He?

Who did people blame their sins before God created the Devil? (Did they actually have to take personal responsiblity for their misdeeds?) No record before the Bible speaks of Satan or Hell. So, say before 6,000 BC, who did we turn to for help? (By-the-way, scientists have proven that the Universe as we know it is billions of years old) And, for accuracy's sake, the Jews really didn't create the hell that was cooked up (pardon the pun) in the New Testament.

In search of the Truth!

(P.S. ~ Please, in no way think I am trying to bash or think badly on the Christian religion. I am merely expressing my thoughts as to why there is so much contradiction within it. I accept the belief that ALL religions are merely trying to reach one goal, and that is to commune with a "higher power", etc.)

Greetings and Welcome!

Memorial Day - May 31, 2010

Greetings Everyone!

I am GreyOak, and Welcome to my blog. I am just starting this endeavor, and hopefully soon will have a wide variety of different blogs that may be of interest to someone out there. Until then, keep checking back. Thanks for your patience.

Many Bright Blessings!


Dragon Pentacle

Dragon Pentacle
The Dragons and I work wonderful magick together.....